history reaction

PART 4 - First Time Reaction To Alexander The Great - The Greatest General in History? Epic History

Ten Worst Years in History - TopTenz Reaction

History Summarized: The Viking Age | The Demouchets REACT

Small Mistakes in History That Caused Huge Disasters - Chat History Reaction

THE WORLD LOOKED SO DIFFERENT! First Time Reaction To World War 1 (Part 1) - 1914 Epic History!

History of Japan | Reaction

Zoom Call for Kamala Harris Breaks World Record

THE USA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY! First Time Reaction To World War 1 (Part 5) - 1917 Epic History!

The History of the United States: Every Year - Dragon Historian Reaction

Why are so many European royal families German?- History Matters Reaction

First Time Watching history of the entire world, i guess (reaction) | Asia and BJ React

What Pioneers Ate on the Oregon Trail - Tasting History Reaction

American Reacts to History of Russia (Part 1) | Epic History TV

THIS ESCALATED QUICKLY! First Time Reaction To World War 1 (Part 2) - 1915 Epic History!

Rules for Rulers - CGP Grey Reaction

History Teacher's First Reaction to Bardcore! | We Didn't Start the Fire | Hildegard von Blingin'

Philomena Cunk ROASTS America! | History Teacher Reacts

Top Ten Historical 'Facts' that Aren't True - Historian Reaction

Napoleon's First Victory, Epic History TV (Reaction) Napoleonic War

Philomena Cunk on America - Historian Reacts

Indians React to History of Britain in 20 Minutes!

Frederick the Great and the Rise of Prussia - History Matters Reaction

How did Europe React to the Discovery of the Americas? (Short Animated Documentary)

History of the Entire World I Guess Reaction